Cinosam Club Approved Minutes: May 6, 2017
Meeting called to order by Vice-President Tim Vescio.
Attended by: Liz Becher, Richard and Diane Dillman, Jarrett Leas, Ron McKitterick, Tim Vescio, Ginny Wendt, and Kathy Becker.
Minutes: from the October 1, 2016 meeting were read by Kathy Becker. Motion to approve by Richard Dillman, second by Ginny Wendt.
Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher read the 2017 proposed budget. Projected revenue-$29,300. Projected expenses-$29,285. Motion to approve by Ron McKitterick, second by Kathy Becker.
Committee Reports:
SAC Jarrett reported that the swim docks and buoys were destroyed by fire. Arson is expected and there is a Crow Wing County Sherriff’s department investigation in progress. Volunteers helped to save the hardware from the destroyed dock sections. The board tabled conversation about replacement options. Jarrett reported there was some erosion on out lot #4. Another section of dock was added at the Round Lake lot to deal with depth issues. Jarrett suggested using some old dock sections to create a deck overlooking the lake at the main park.
CLARC Diane Dillman noted that at the main park some of the beams at the bottom of the steps need shoring up. Jarrett Leas reported that they are still structurally strong. Boots is in the process of getting a quote on repair to the main steps. He is continuing with park cleanup and has been in contact with the carver of the eagle who will make repairs to the woodpecker damage and recoat.
Unfinished Business
-Membership dues were mailed out to unpaid members in January. There are still a number unpaid.
New Business
–The Treasurer position will changeover from Kelly Spratt to Liz Becher this summer.
-Oktoberfest date has been set for September 30.
Announcements Sadly, the Board was informed that Fred Paine, long time Cinosam member, would not be returning due to illness.
Adjournment Motion to adjourn by Ron McKitterick, second by Ginny Wendt