Board Minutes 05-02-2016

Cinosam Club Unapproved Minutes:  May 2, 2015

Meeting called to order by President Mark McDonald at 9:05 am

Attended by:  Mark McDonald, Kelly Spratt, Joey Halvorson, John Klauck, Richard and Diane Dillman, Levi Becker, Ron McKitterick, Ginny Wendt and Kathy Becker.

Minutes:  from the September 6, 2014 meeting were recapped by Mark McDonald. Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  submitted by Kelly Spratt.
Fiscal Year January 1, 2015-December 31, 2015
Reporting Period:  April 2015 YTD
Revenue:  $26,215
Expenses:  $12,841.83

2015 Paid Membership Summary
Paid Association Households – 104
Paid Boat Slip Members – 31
Paid Canoe Slip – 0
Motion to approve by Joey Halverson, second by John Klauck. Motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Mark reported for Jarrett Leas that boat funds were used to pay for the leveling of shoreline on all out lots due to ice damage. Work has been completed. No new dock sections are needed this year.
Two parties relinquished their lift space and two new families moved off the waiting list with slips on Gull Lake. All boat slips are assigned.
The waiting list for boat slips will be posted in the Park.
Diane described the damage to our out lots due to the ice ridge. Clean up is needed. Diane will sow oats and native grass seeds.
The steps on out lot #4 are in such bad shape that they are dangerous. Discussion was held about doing the work ourselves or hiring it out. The condition of the steps on lot #2 was also discussed.  Mark volunteered to check with a contractor for a bid on the project. Kelly Spratt motioned that if the bid came in under $1000, Mark could move foreword without further board approval. John Klauck seconded the motion. Motion carried.
A volunteer list will be posted in the park.
Ginny Wendt motioned that if interest warranted another canoe rack for Round Lake, she would have the authority to proceed without further board approval. Joey Halverson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Marie Bode offered to donate a flag to the park to replace the old one.

Motion to adjourn was made by Richard Dillman and seconded by Joey Halverson.

Respectfully submitted:  Kathy Becker