Cinosam Club Minutes May 7, 2022
Meeting called to order at 9:05AM by President Tim Vescio.
Attended by Board Members: Heather Thompson, Liz Becher, John Klauck, Marc Kmecik, Kathy Becker, Ed Koehler, Tom Froyum
Board Members not in Attendance:
Mark McDonald, Mary Jo Ohlin, Kelly Spratt, Tricia Kane, Blair McKibbon
Minutes from the September 4, 2021 Board Meeting were read by Ed Koehler. Motion to approve, with revisions to the spelling of Blair’s last name, was made by Marc Kmecik and seconded by Tom Froyum. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher reviewed the 2021 Operating Budget Final. 2021 came in 96% favorable to budget. Still awaiting receipts from Boots for work performed in 2021.

The Proposed 2022 Operating Budget YTD Actual to Budget Financial report through May 2022 was presented. Revenue is favorable to budget; YTD actual $28,260. – budget is $29,400. Expenses are favorable to budget; YTD actual $15,912.92 – budget is $34,084. Checking balance is $46,066.

Motion to approve 2021 Final and 2022 YTD Operating Budgets, as presented, made by Heather Thompson and seconded by Kathy Becker. Motion carried.
It was noted that the proposed 2023 Cinosam Club property valuation and real estate taxes increased by around 40% and that the Club will need to plan accordingly for the next budget season.
Old Business
- The idea of moving the PO Box to Nisswa was discussed. Due to all of the administrative changes that would need to occur, a decision was made to table it for now.
- Safe Deposit box: After the loss of our previous box, the decision to secure a new Safe Deposit box for the Club, at the Baxter Franzen Bank, was made in 2021. Sylvie Letts is now at Franzen Bank in Nisswa and will work with Mark McDonald to open a box at that branch.
- New Cinosam signs for Main entrance and Donaldson Road entrance: Verna Thompson facilitated having signs made, in 2021, and is looking for volunteer(s) to help with sign posting. Ed Koehler volunteered to help her.
New Business
- A potential vendor that specializes in association management software was identified. Liz has the contact information and will follow-up to determine what services are offered and the cost.
- The Board discussed election planning and the need to start early
- Upcoming Board Member seat vacancies –
- Three Board positions: Marc, Tom, and Ed’s terms expire this year
- Four Officer Positions
- The Bylaws reflect that public solicitation of candidates should be posted by the first Sunday of June. (June 5th, 2022)
- Notification to Board of intent to run should occur no later than July 5th Heather will post on Facebook and have Julie post on
- Marc, Tom and Ed confirmed their desire to run again
- Ken Kunze and Sylvie Letts have submitted their intent to run for a vacant Board position
- Tim will run for President, Liz will run for Treasurer, and Heather will run for Secretary
- Upcoming Board Member seat vacancies –
- Confirmation of Annual Nonprofit filing with State/Crow Wing County was tabled, pending confirmation from Mark McDonald
Committee reports
- Boat Committee
- Tim reported that the extra lift was pulled and paid for by the Club. There may be some additional work needed on Outlot 2 to accommodate a bigger boat/lift.
- A discussion point was proposed regarding consideration of seniority for boat lift selection, ie, when a lift opens up, could there be an option for the most senior lift position to have an opportunity to move to the newly available slip.
- It was noted that this should be discussed at the Boat Committee
- Then any proposed provisions around this, should be brought to the Board and Membership.
- Verna Thompson and John Markson volunteered to join the Boat Committee.
- Tim will arrange a meeting within the next few weeks.
- Boat Slip Waiting List
- There are currently 36 names on the List. 6 of those individuals have boat slips on Round lake.
- Ginny Wendt posted the updated List on the Park bulletin board.
- Additional canoe/kayak rack: Ginny will get estimates for the purchase of another rack. Motion to approve purchase of a rack up to$1,700. made by John Klauck and seconded by Marc Kmecik. Motion carried.
- Boat Slip Waiting List
- Parks/Maintenance
- No updates
- Volunteer List
- No updates
Next Meeting June 4th, 2022
- Tim will not be able to attend. Heather will facilitate in his absence if Mark is not available.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00AM.
Respectfully Submitted by Heather Caulley