Board Minutes 08-06-2022
Cinosam Club Annual Meeting Minutes August 6, 2022
- Meeting called to order at 9:04AM by President, Tim Vescio
- Attended by Board Members: Heather Thompson, Blair McKibbon, Kathy Becker, Mary Jo Ohlin, Liz Becher, Mark McDonald
Board Members not in Attendance:
Tricia Kane, John Klauck, Kelly Spratt, Marc Kmecik, Tom Froyum, Ed Koehler
A quorum was confirmed
- Minutes:
Minutes from the July 2, 2022 Board Meeting were presented. Motion to approve was made by Kathy Becker and seconded by Liz Becher. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher reviewed the 2022 Operating Budget
YTD Actual to Budget Financial report through August 2022. Revenue is unfavorable to budget; YTD actual $29,060. – budget is $29,400. Expenses are favorable to budget; YTD actual $23,559.51– budget is $34,084.00 Checking balance is $39,119.30

Motion to approve 2022 Operating Budget YTD Actual to Budget Financial report
made by Heather Thompson and seconded by Kathy Becker. Motion carried.
Tim will distribute the Gift Cards to the 4th of July Parade Winners.
- New Business
- Election/ballot results
- 34 Total Ballots received; 121 ballots sent=28% response rate
- Results
- Officers
- Tim Vescio – President
- Mark McDonald – Vice President
- Liz Becher – Treasurer
- Heather Thompson – Secretary
- Board members
- Ed Koehler
- Marc Kmecik
- Tom Froyum
- Sylvie Letts received 12 votes; Ken Kunze received 8 votes
- Officers
- Results
- 34 Total Ballots received; 121 ballots sent=28% response rate
- It was noted that Kelly Spratt has not been able to attend a Board meeting for some time. After discussion, in light of new candidates running for Board positions, the Board agreed that we should reach out to Kelly to see if he would consider forfeiting his Board position. If in agreement, Sylvie Letts would take his position. Tim will follow-up with Kelly.
- Live Music in the park will be hosted by some Club members on Saturday, August 27th.
- All are welcome to attend
- Signs will be posted
- The park water pump was replaced
- Need to keep it pressurized by shutting the spigots off when not in use
- Committee Reports
- Boat Committee/Boat Slips
- The Boat Committee has not met this year, yet. Plan to meet before Winter
- Still need to plan for management of the docks and boat lifts for Round Lake. A breakout of the current cost for this service for Round Lake will be needed as we look to choose a new vendor.
- Trevor has not given us a referral for ongoing management, yet.
- There are at least 38 people on the Boat Slip Waiting List; others are pending verification and dues payment
- The Boat Committee has not met this year, yet. Plan to meet before Winter
- Boat Committee/Boat Slips
- Parks/Maintenance
- Boots
- Main dock steps and board walk work in process
- In the process of securing the carved wooden park benches to prevent theft
- Outlot 3 needs maintenance; Lot 4 needs the rocks reworked; Boots will get estimate(s)
- Old Business
- – Wave accounting software. Liz has reviewed it and likes it. Heather and possibly others, will schedule time to see it in the fall 2022, with a plan to change over from the current tool beginning with calendar year 2023. Motion to approve this change was made by Liz Becher and seconded by Blair McKibbon. Motion carried.
Highlights of Wave
- It is free
- We can link it to the Club checking account
- It allows for email invoicing/tracking
- Members payment of fees
- Free if paid by check
- Supports credit card or bank account linked transactions
- Autopay option
- We still need to consider what Julie Carroll does for the posting on and the annual fee for software access that she is currently paying $150, as a donation.
- – Liz noted that we currently have liability that is $2,000,000 per occurrence and $4,000,000 aggregate. We do not have an umbrella policy and we need one. It was recommended that we purchase a $1,000,000 policy. Motion to approve this purchase was made by Heather Thompson and seconded by Blair McKibbon. Motion carried.
- with State/Crow Wing County was received.
- Trash haulers
- Service and pricing information for various trash haulers has been compiled. Copies of this information will be posted in the Park and on the website.
- Adjournment
- Motion for adjournment made Heather Thompson and seconded by Liz Becher. Meeting adjourned at 10:00AM.
Respectfully Submitted by Heather Thompson