Cinosam Club Approved Minutes July 3, 2021
Meeting called to order at 9:00AM by President Tim Vescio
Attended by Board Members: Heather Thompson, Ed Koehler, Kathy Becker,
Mary Jo Ohlin, John Klauck, Mark McDonald, Tricia Kane, Liz Becher
Board Members not in Attendance: Marc Kmecik, Kelly Spratt, Tom Froyum,
A quorum was present.
Minutes from the June 51, 2021 Board Meeting were read by Tim Vescio. Motion to
approve as presented, was made by Ed Koehler and seconded by Tricia Kane. Motion
Treasurer’s Report:
Liz Becher presented the 2021 Operating Budget – Actual to Budget June, 2021

YTD Financial Notes :
Web domain renewed for $190./3 yrs
Invoice from Kampens for Round Lake dock addition was $1542.75
Park Maintenance includes Blakeman fees
Motion to approve as presented, was made by Kathy Becker and seconded by Mark
McDonald. Motion carried.
New Business/Announcements
Upcoming Elections and Board Seat Vacancies – candidates running
o Four Officer positions
Tim Vescio, Mark McDonald, Liz Becher and Heather Thompson
o Three Board positions
Kathy Becker, John Klauck and Blair McKibbon
o Heather Thompson will generate and mail ballots to all paid Club
Ladies Club disposition
o Sherry Koehler is the remaining member and club is being dissolved
o A history of the club was shared
o The cash, checking account balance and CD will be rolled into the regular
o $100 Annual flower purchase, that had been performed by this group, will
be continued and added as a standing agenda item for each May meeting
o Many thanks to these ladies for their wonderful legacy
Corn Feed/Rib Fest – new annual event /fundraiser
o Planned for August 21 st
o Will be discussed at Annual meeting
Committee Reports
Celebration Committee
o 100 Year Anniversary Banner
Hung on fence by main gate – many thanks to Sylvie Letts
o Fourth of July/100 – year Anniversary party on track
o Fun Run: casual meeting at 9am on the 4 th – organized by Misty Nielsen
Boat Committee
o Fishing platform and docks are up at Round Lake: Tim reported
Terry Slack was recognized and thanked for all his work on this
It is a great addition and frequently used by many families
o Kayak/canoe rack price: Ginny reported the previous cost for a rack was
$750; current estimate is $1000.
All racks are currently full; there are no outstanding requests
The Board agreed to hold on any further action at this time
Parks/ Maintenance
Gull Lake Park –many thanks to the following for work completed
o Water treated for swimmers’ itch at both beaches- arranged by John
o Trees trimmed/road graded /general maintenance by Boots
o Water pump repair and park light photo eye were repaired by Mark
o Beach clean-up by John Thompson
Add small step at beach end of main stairway
Boots will champion project
Mulch at top: redistribute and/or consider other options
Seed north end/fill dirt
Beach work
Round Lake Park
Wheelbarrow and rakes will be brought over
Berm needs smoothing out
Volunteer List
o Proposal was made to resurrect a list of volunteers that can be reached out
to by Parks/Maintenance or whomever to assist with general items of work
Will discuss at Annual Meeting
Have Sign-up List available
Consider asking for a volunteer lead
Road Maintenance – Crow Wing County
o It was noted that residents can petition for street maintenance
This was previously vetted by Maria F.
A request was made to add this information and link to the
Cinosam Club website
Heather Thompson will explore this
Old Business
Club Safe Deposit box
o Key for current box was located
o Items will be retrieved in the near term and brought to Annual Meeting
Noted that some documents are historical and should be scanned
and added to the Cinosam Club website
o New deposit box will be at Frandsen Bank in Baxter
Cinosam Signage – additional for Donaldson and other access points: ordered
by Verna Thompson
Next Meeting
Annual Meeting, Saturday, August 7th, 2021
Motion to adjourn made by Kathy Becker and seconded by Liz Becher. The meeting was
adjourned at 10:02AM.
Respectfully Submitted by Heather Thompson