Cinosam Club Approved Minutes August 7th, 2021
Meeting called to order at 9:00AM by President Tim Vescio
Attended by Board Members: Heather Thompson, Marc Kmecik, Tom Froyum,
Kathy Becker, John Klauck, Mark McDonald, Tricia Kane, Liz Becher
Board Members not in Attendance: Kelly Spratt, Ed Koehler, Mary Jo Ohlin
A quorum was present.
Minutes from the July 3, 2021 Board Meeting were presented. Motion to approve
as presented, was made by Tricia Kane and seconded by Kathy Becker. Motion
Treasurer’s Report:
Liz Becher presented the 2021 Operating Budget – Actual to Budget August 6, 2021
Cinosam Club
2021 Operating Budget
Fiscal Year January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021
Actual to Budget August 6, 2021
Revenue YTD Actual Budget
General Membership (125) $12,000 $12,500
Boat Slips (32) $18,350 $16,000
Canoe/Kayak $550 $400
TOTAL REVENUE $30,900 $29,000
Expenses by Major Category; YTD Actual Budget
• Real Estate Taxes; $13,054 $13,054
• MN Power; $313.11 $450
• Dock Material/Dock Preservation $3,207.07 $4,000
• Lot(s) Preservation; $0 $2,000
• Park Maintenance/Upgrades; $2509.11 $4,000
• Postage/Post Office Fee; $363.69 $600
• Seasonal Dock/Lift; $2,774.00 $4500
• Association Dues; $50 $100
• Liability Insurance; $0 $1,500
• Celebrations/Events $241.42 $500
• Bank Fees; $-11.20 $150
TOTAL EXPENSES $22,501.20 $30,854
Checking Balance as of 8.6.2021 $ 36,988.45
Donations $ 277.00
General Membership 120 125 @ $100
Paid Boat Slip Members 32 32 @ $500
Paid Canoe Slip 11 8 @ $50
YTD Financial Notes:
- New signage purchased for parks/lots
- New park light
Motion to approve as presented, was made by Heather Thompson and seconded by
Marc Kmecik. Motion carried.
New Business:
Elections/ballot results
o Four Officer positions
Tim Vescio, President; Mark McDonald, Vice-President; Liz
Becher, Treasurer and Heather Thompson, Secretary were
elected to a 1-year term Officer position
o Three Board positions
Kathy Becker, John Klauck and Blair McKibbon were elected to
a 3-year term as Board members
o 27 ballots were received from a total of 116 sent for a 23% response rate
o The new Board members were welcomed
o 2022 Planning Sylvie Letts and Ken Kunze have already submitted
their intent to run for a Board position in 2022.
Annual Fundraiser – Corn Feed/BBQ Fest: postponed until 2022 – date TBD
Volunteer List
o Heather will follow-up with Julie Carroll to see if the old List can be
resurrected, updated and posted on the website. Blair McKibbon noted
he could help with being a contact. Anyone interested in volunteering
should contact a Board member and provide their name, cell phone #,
and e-mail
Committee Reports:
Boat Committee
Board replacement on some docks is in progress
It was noted there is a lift remaining on an outlot, owned by a resident who no
longer has a boat slip. The resident has been asked to remove the lift and to
date, there has been no action on the resident’s part.
A certified letter will be sent to the resident giving advance notice of the Club’s
intent to have the lift moved at the expense of the resident owner due to
It was noted there is an empty slip on an outlot. The slip is assigned to a
couple that is actively seeking to purchase a boat but, due to the low
inventory, they have yet to find one. They are in good standing.
An updated Boat Slip Wait List has been posted.
Celebration Committee – no updates
Boots commented on several projects planned and in progress, including a new
wood rack and the fence needing general repair
It was noted there is poor pump pressure. Mark will assess it; noting it was
recently replaced.
Boots is planning to resurface the concrete steps and make modifications to the
bottom/landing with a landing pad . It was noted that there is money currently
budgeted toward this repair.
A motion was made by Liz Becker to authorize up to $3500 in expenses for the
concrete steps and pad and seconded by John Klauck. Motion carried.
Further improvements, including board walk type access to the docks, were also
discussed. The Board requested that Boots submit a diagram and estimate,
detailing the proposed improvements beyond the concrete steps and landing pad,
to the Board for review and discussion.
Old Business:
Road Maintenance petition information- Crow Wing County
Boots met with the contact at CWC, Mr. Brekken.
Here is a link to the information regarding how to petition for this.
Crow Wing County Highway Department
Petition for One-Time Maintenance First Assessment District
One-Time-Maintenance-Helps (
o This must be re-submitted annually
o The same petition can be re-submitted each year
Club Safe Deposit box
o Mark has the contents from the current box
o He has already scanned many and converted to PDFs
Wonderful historical documents
o He will distribute to the Board
o It was agreed that the Treasurer position shall keep the key for safe deposit
box , going forward; at Frandsen Bank in Baxter
Date for the Oktoberfest, Saturday, October 2 nd !!!
Next Meeting – September 4 th , 2021
Motion to adjourn made by Ken Kunze and seconded by Heather Thompson. The
meeting was adjourned at 10:00AM.
Respectfully Submitted by Heather Thompson