Board Minutes 09-03-2022
Cinosam Club Minutes September 3, 2022
- Meeting called to order at 9:04AM by President, Tim Vescio
- Attended by Board Members: Heather Thompson, Tricia Kane, Kathy Becker, Ed Koehler, Liz Becher, Tom Froyum, Mark McDonald, John Klauck
Board Members not in Attendance:
Blair McKibbon, Mary Jo Ohlin, Marc Kmecik, Sylvie Letts
A quorum was confirmed
- Minutes:
Minutes from the August 6th , 2022 Annual Meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Tom Froyum and seconded by Liz Becher. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher reviewed the 2022 Operating Budget
YTD Actual to Budget Financial report through September 2022. Revenue is unfavorable to budget; YTD actual $29,010. – budget is $29,400. Expenses are favorable to budget; YTD actual $29,084.44 – budget is $34,084. Checking balance is $38,618.84

Motion to approve 2022 Operating Budget YTD Actual to Budget Financial report made by Ed Koehler and seconded by Kathy Becker. Motion carried.
Noted: Annual Liability insurance will be paid in full. Umbrella policy purchased.
The Women’s Club of Cinosam was honored for all they did to contribute to the Club and park. The checking account and CD have been closed. A check for $1019.18 is forthcoming and will be deposited once received.
- New Business
- Heather shared an updated list of the Board members and their contact information. Sylvie is elected for the standard 3-year term.
- Liz shared that the Baxter PO Box at the Holiday station location will be closing as of 10/1/22
After some discussion, a motion to move from a PO Box to an actual mailbox within Cinosam, using the fire number for the Gull lake Park as our mailing address on Paine Ave, made by Tricia Kane and seconded by Mark Mc Donald. Motion carried. New address will be:
20645 Paine Avenue Brainerd, MN 56401
- Tricia will purchase a locking mailbox and work with Boots to have installed.
- Notice to residents will be sent out with the annual dues invoice, posted on the website, the Face book site and on the Park bulletin board
- VRBO/AirBnB renters, their use of the Park and recent unauthorized boat mooring within swim area and Cinosam residents’ concerns were discussed.
- 3 short-term rental units were identified within Cinosam
- A review of their websites reveals no misrepresentation of the use of the Park and properties
- The Bylaws allow for use of the Club properties by a renter when the annual club dues have been paid for by the property owner.
- Consideration of reaching out to the VRBO/AirBnB owners; asking them to remind renters of rules
- 3 short-term rental units were identified within Cinosam
- Discussed need to purchase shed for Round Lake Park. Tom will purchase and drop off. Motion made to authorize purchase of shed, for $1200 or less, and seconded by Tricia Kane. Motion carried.
- July 4th Parade planning for next year: need a volunteer to arrange for prizes
- Committee Reports
- Boat Committee/Boat Slips
- Trevor will subcontract out the Round Lake dock/lift fall and spring activities on our behalf.
- Outlot 2; tree/brush must be removed for Trevor to get Boots’ lift drug up the hill
- Boats need to be off Lifts by October 7th
- Notice will be posted on Facebook, website and on bulletin board
- Boat Committee/Boat Slips
- Parks/Maintenance
- No update
- Old Business
- Wave software – Heather, Blair and Liz will meet before end of year to get set-up for 2023 – propose October 1st weekend
- Boat Dock map
- Heather shared the document – more names/assigned slips were populated onto the map, at the meeting
- Heather will revise with this new information then scan and send to all Board members
- Heather shared the document – more names/assigned slips were populated onto the map, at the meeting
- It was noted that Trash Hauler pricing information is a special price for a Group discount, only. This should be added to anywhere the prices are posted.
- Announcements – Oktoberfest planned for Saturday, October 1st.
- No volunteers for brats this year
- Potluck
- FUN, fun, fun!!!
- Adjournment
Motion for adjournment made Tricia Kane and seconded by Liz Becher. Meeting adjourned at 10:01AM.
Respectfully Submitted by Heather Thompson